Product Overview

NEW! Election Campaign Management

In the fast-paced world of politics, staying organized, reaching voters effectively, and managing campaign resources efficiently are essential. Our Political Campaign Software is your comprehensive solution to streamline campaign operations, maximize voter engagement, and propel your political journey towards success.

Dispatching Platform

We created a system for transportation providers (such as NEMT and for-hire vehicle bases) to take incoming trips and then dispatch those trips using the Operr system. It is comprised of two mobile apps (for Android and iOS) and an online web portal. Helps enable traditional for-hire vehicle companies to compete with the on-demand rideshare market.


OPERR Work is a new kind of Business Management & HR tool that tracks, forecasts and alerts empoyers about potential cost over-runs related to overtime and productivity. Our platform allows business owners or employers to stay on top of their daily business operations, employee tasks, productivity, related expenses and much more.

Parking Garage System

We have develped a system for parking garages to use in their daily operations. Offerring a simple and low-cost solution to allsize garages that comes complete with vehicle ticketing system, point-of-sale features, lot attendant clock-in and even a website for your customers. Easily intergrates with a code scanner tool to make speed of service fast and easy.

Phone System

Our OperrTel Phone system provides features that can boost your business collaboration abilities, such as video conferencing, instant messaging, presence indicators and online meetings. Digitize your business phone system with professional multi-level touch-tone menus, custom extenstions, voicemail and automation options.

NEMT & Transportation Billing

The Operr Service Bureau (OSB) is both a software application and a professional service that we offer. This includes: checking eligibility, sign-offs, submissions, corrections and 'look-back' billing. Transportation Bases leveraging OSB services on averge find at least 10%-20% more recoverable funds than their previous billing service.


Dispatching Platform

Parking Garage System

Operr Express

Operr Billing Services

OperrTel Phone Service

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